Friday, 3 January 2014


            These days effective work method, make labour lighter and more dignified.  Physical fatigue and repetitive tasks are practically eliminated from all professions.  However, people complain of tension and tiredness and wish to free themselves from this load.  It is therefore necessary to know simple and practical methods of relaxation.
            The human organism is impacted from stress, thus producing muscular pain, stomach discomfort, headaches, alteration of the cardiac rhythm, etc.  Here are some ways to attain relaxation:
Body Relaxation
v  Breathing.  This is the fasted and most accession.  Practice breathing deeply, expanding the belly (not the chest) and breathing out little by little.  Repeat this four to five times and return to normal breathing.  Do this five or six times a day, wherever you are: in the car, at work, in your conversation with someone, in the waiting room or before going to bed.  When performing breathing exercise, make efforts to smile, putting aside matters that worry you.
v  Physical exercise.  Any form of physical exercise, as long as it is adequate for age and personal fitness, brings about physical and mental relaxation.  Physical exercise should be done systematically and to the taste of everyone, as some people attain relaxation through intensive sport while others achieve it through a calm walk.
v  Bathing.  Water at various temperatures provides a beneficial effect over muscular relaxation.  A simple bath or shower adds tone to the muscles.  Hydrotherapy, based on the alternation of cold and warm water, has a superior relaxing effect over arterial and capillary circulation.  Because of its high mineral content, sea bathing stimulates the body’s internal glands as well as the general metabolism thus relaxing the body.
v  Muscular relaxation.  In addition to the methods mentioned above, muscular or progressive relaxation ensures, in a systematic way, the loosening of muscles suffering from stress.
            Mental tension means a heavy psychological burden to many persons.  Obsession over problems, uncertainty towards the future, mental fatigue, loss of memory and slow reasoning are associated features of the tense mind.  What can one do to prevent these mental states and obtain peace and relaxation?  The following will help:
v  Thinking.  Reject catastrophic thoughts and focus your mind on positive and happy things.  Learn to put aside sour and tense issues, albeit temporarily, until such a time as you can provide solutions.
v  Visualisation.  It will be much easier to reject unwanted thoughts if you have a theme or themes to substitute them.  Use imagination to visualise your chosen topic in detail.  Some think of the place where they grew up or in their adolescence and youth.  Others concentrate on a certain experience of peace and happiness, or in past moments spent with a dear one.  Chose your won images and enjoy the details, put some colour and movement, walk in those places and situations.  You will soon realise that your mind and mood find a point of quietness and serenity.
v  Self-Instruction.  Encourage yourself to reject troubling thoughts.  Instruct yourself with commands such as ‘do not think of it, Don’t exaggerate, ‘You can take care of it tomorrow; think of something pleasant now.
v  Social interaction.  Seek the company of friends and relatives in order to distract yourself.  If you have an introverted personality, avoid the natural tendency to remain alone with negative thoughts.  Call a friend and chat, get out of the house and attend a social function where you are forced to converse with others.
v  Hobbies. When faced with mental tension, practise activities such as home repairs, gardening, collections, games and, very particularly, sports.  Watching a funny movie or reading an easy book is also a good method to achieve mental relaxation.
v  Prayer.  You may have never prayed in your life, but sincere prayers facilitate a great deal of mental relaxation for those using them.  Some use repetitive chanting.  But it is better to avoid repetitions, as Jesus advised (Mathew 6:7-15) and pray by talking to God as one talks to a father.  Express your uncertainties, sorrows, and conflicts through a prayer.  Ask God for blessing and he will grant you the best.
v  Other options:
-           Singing a song or whistle a melody,
-           Forgive wholeheartedly some one who have offended you.
-           Go to a park or natural setting and listening to the birds singing.
-           While seated or lying down, observe the water in a fountain, river or sea.
-           Pay attention to cloud movement for a period of time.
-           Rub your eyes with both hands and leave them closed for a  few minutes.
-           Look for an ant farm and observe their bustle.
-           Carry out a conversation with a 4 or a years old for a few minutes.

-           Play with the dog or the cat.


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